Thursday, December 4, 2008


Ha, risen from the ashes of Peepshow wasyoungandneededthemoney, comes from mistakes that we all make.
Hey I tried something it worked and then failed, proved to me that jozi needed something like that, but me being me and not the greatest business man, fucked it up.
Anyway i will be re opening and trying something a bit different, no clothes, no sneakers as they are just a headache.

Toys are still on the agenda, so will a lot more books and a cult DVD store which we both rent and sell DVD's.
This blog will inform you of what i am up too, how far the store is from opening etc and all the cool shit that will be on sale.
Plus loads of obscure DVD's that i really like and can't find in your regualar dvd store.

If you are looking for DVD titles in the meantime, send me a email and i'll send you a quote.



Email me =

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